Mother's Love
Mother's Love
Thank Mom for a lifetime of comforting hugs with our delightful Mother’s Day bouquet. A mix of all-pink blooms is arranged in a classic clear glass vase to let the beauty of each one shine. Designed by Develyn Reed from 1-800-Flowers/Acara Florist in Stafford, Virginia, this thoughtful gift will make every mom feel loved, whether you’re celebrating together or across the miles. All-around arrangement with hot pink roses, pink Oriental lilies, Peruvian lilies (alstroemeria), snapdragons and stock; accented with assorted greenery Artistically designed in a clear glass gathering vase; measures 8"H Extra large arrangement measures overall approximately 20"H x 19"W Large arrangement measures overall approximately 19"H x 18"W Medium arrangement measures overall approximately 18"H x 16"W Small arrangement comes with hot pink carnations and hybrid lilies; does not include roses, Oriental lilies, snapdragons or stock; measures overall approximately 17"H x 14"W To ensure lasting beauty, lilies may arrive in bud form and will fully bloom over the next few days